Samsung has announced the latest version of its flagship device, the Galaxy S25 Ultra, and it will come with more AI-focused features than its predecessors like the other phones in its lineup. It's powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Elite that was customized specifically for Galaxy devices and comes with a RAM that starts at 12GB. Samsung says the new chip will enable the phone to process A [...]
TikTok might be (sort of) back for now, but that's not stopping other social media platforms from trying to horn in on its business. Bluesky is the latest, introducing a TikTok-like vertical video feature on mobile called Trending Videos, now available in the explore tab, the company announced in a post on its app. <br /> "We had to get in on the video action too — Bluesky now h [...]
Microsoft researchers unveil MatterGen, a breakthrough AI system that generates novel materials for batteries and solar cells, accelerating scientific discovery 15 times faster than traditional methods while doubling success rates for stable compounds. [...]
Sony just revealed the first set of PlayStation Plus games in 2025 available for all subscribers, regardless of what service tier they're signed up for. Up this month are Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered and The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe. I can't say it's the most exciting set of games, but at the very least The Stanley Parable is a c [...]