Last year Samsung embraced artificial intelligence with its suite of Galaxy AI features. And while the new S25 Ultra is a bit faster, a little curvier and has a slightly bigger display than before, it [...]
It feels like every major tech company is totally convinced that AI is the future. And for all I know, they may be right. But while we’re waiting for someone to develop our seemingly inevitable AGI- [...]
Over a year since it dipped into generative artificial intelligence, Samsung’s Galaxy S-series phones are now the vanguard for its gen-AI features. This year, we’re getting even deeper hooks into [...]
It's Friday, which means it's once again time for us to venture into the discount mines and dig out a few tech deals worth your attention. This week's roundup includes the lowest price [...]
No one wants to deal with tangled cables anymore. That’s one of the reasons why wireless headphones have taken over as the go-to choice for music lovers, gamers and anyone who just wants a little mo [...]