Motorola has refreshed its budget Moto G and Moto G Power phones. The two 5G handsets have larger displays than last year's models with a 0.1-inch bump to 6.7 inches and 6.8 inches, respectively. Both have a high-brightness mode that reaches 1,000 nits to help make the screens more visible in bright daylight. They have a 120Hz refresh rate as well.
The Moto G 2025 and Moto G Power 2025 each have Dolby Atmos support, along with bass boost tech and hi-res audio. What's more, they each have a 5,000 mAh battery and run on the MediaTek Dimensity 6300 chipset.
The M [...]
Time to get into the habit of writing "2025" instead of 2024, and the year may have just begun, but the Engadget team is already working hard for CES 2025. This weekend, many from the Engadg [...]