If ever a game presents me with an opportunity to perform completely absurd aerial tricks, you best believe I will be flipping as much as possible. In Jump Truck, a 3D solo racing game for Playdate by Tabortop Games, flips can work either to your benefit or detriment as you try to score the fastest finish time for [...]
Around ten years ago, as the price of cable rose to untenable heights, live TV streaming services arrived as the low-cost, contract-free antidote. The services are still blissfully easy to walk away f [...]
I didn’t set out to play jump rope STAR! when I picked up my Playdate this weekend. I was actually looking for something else, but lazily searched only half of the correct title and found myself st [...]
You’ve heard of roguelike, you’ve heard of Soulslike, but have you ever heard of Rootlike? Root Bear is one of those games that just perfectly encapsulates the spirit of Playdate; it’s silly as [...]