How are you ever going to improve your Elo if you can’t stop shivering or sweating in your gaming seat? Razer’s latest deskside innovation is Project Arielle, a mesh gaming chair with integrated temperature controls — and some pretty lights, of course.
Project Arielle is built on the foundation of the Fujin Pro, Razer’s breathable mesh chair, and it uses a bladeless fan system to warm up or cool down the entire frame. A touchscreen panel on the side of the seat offers three fan-speed settings, and lets you swap between cool and warm airflow. The edges of the seat and backrest are lined in a thin ribbon of RGB lig [...]
How are you ever going to improve your Elo if you can’t stop shivering or sweating in your gaming seat? Razer’s latest innovation is Project Arielle, a gaming chair that sports integrated temperat [...]
Razer just announced a refresh to the popular Blade 18 gaming laptop. This model uses those newly-released Intel Core Ultra 200HX series processors and can be purchased with the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 509 [...]
A spinning VR gaming chair sounds like it would be an at-home vomitron. The virtual reality environment tends to make some people (like me) queasy as it is, so adding synchronized full-body rotation s [...]