When Samsung unveiled the world’s first 27-inch 4K gaming OLED monitor on Thursday, Engadget’s Igor Bonifacic predicted that other vendors would soon follow suit. (After all, Samsung is also the biggest supplier of OLED gaming monitor panels.) Sure enough, MSI followed suit the same day at CES 2025 with two monitors with familiar specs: a 27-inch 4K QD-OLED display and a 27-inch QD-OLED one with a crazy-smooth 500Hz refresh rate.<br /> First up: the 27-inch 4K QD-OLED one, marketed to perfection as the… MPG 272URX QD-OLED. (Sure, why not!) MSI is differentiating its monitor as the first one to combine that panel with DisplayPort 2.1a, which can provide a better combination of resolution and frame rates. Like Samsung’s equivalent (the G81SF), it has a 240Hz refresh rate and sh [...]
CES is filled with wild and wacky curios, to be sure, but there are also plenty of good old-fashioned laptops. Every year the big chipmakers announce new products and the big computer manufacturers un [...]
Time to get into the habit of writing "2025" instead of 2024, and the year may have just begun, but the Engadget team is already working hard for CES 2025. This weekend, many from the Engadg [...]
Ahead of the official start of CES, Samsung has announced a trio of new Odyssey gaming monitors. Of the bunch, the G81SF is the most interesting. Samsung says it’s the first 4K, 27-inch OLED gaming [...]
One of the things I love the most about CES is finding all the silly one-offs and concept products that might never see full production. At CES 2025, in addition to its big, RTX-powered gaming laptop [...]