It's the start of a new year, which means a fresh crop of creative works have entered the public domain. Today, many materials that were copyrighted in 1929, along with sound recordings from 1924, become fair game to freely adapt, reuse, copy and share. The Center for Public Domain at Duke Law School collected some of the more notable properties that entered public domain with the start of 2025.
This is a big year when it comes to film, with several seminal directors debuting their first projects with sound, such as Alfred Hitchcock's Blackmail
The keyword for the iPhone 16e seems to be "compromise." In this episode, Devindra chats with Cherlynn about her iPhone 16e review and try to figure out who this phone is actually for. Also, [...]
As soon as late February, a lunar lander will depart from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on its way to the moon carrying instruments that could investigate what’s just beneath the surface. Barely two [...]
Monday's ID@Xbox indie showcase included release dates for a few upcoming games we've been tracking. 33 Immortals, which lets you round up 32 pals to try to escape hell with, arrives next mo [...]