Telegram has introduced a new third-party account verification system as part of its latest app update, the company announced in a blog post. The idea is to let public figures or companies that are already verified by Telegram in turn verify others, for instance employees in the organization. "This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation — with a unique proactive solution that sets a new safety standard for social platforms," Telegram wrote.
Individuals or groups that want to be able to verify others must already have an official bot verified by Telegram. Once that happens, they can apply to become a third-party verifie [...]
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced yesterday that the company is swinging away from its efforts to corral its content. Meta is suspending its fact-checking program to move to an X-style Community Note [...]
Klipsch, a company more known for shelf speakers, towers and soundbars, is adding three more portable speakers to its Music City Party Speaker lineup. The original three speakers are the Austin, Nashv [...]
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a big shift in the company's approach to moderation and speech. Meta will be suspending its fact-checking program and will move to an X-style Community Notes mo [...]
You probably didn’t have X CEO Linda Yaccarino praising Meta and Mark Zuckerberg on your CES 2025 bingo card, yet here we are. Speaking during a keynote address in Las Vegas, Yaccarino described Met [...]
It's been almost one year since Intuit shut down the popular budgeting app Mint. I was a Mint user for many years; millions of other users like me enjoyed how easily Mint allowed us to track all [...]
At CES 2025, Anker has a pair of new speakers under its Soundcore brand. The first, the Soundcore Rave 3S, is a $349 party speaker with AI-powered karaoke tricks and built-in light shows. Joining it i [...]