The NBA is experimenting with a digital brain for basketballs. The system is the brainchild of SportIQ, a Finnish startup that develops smart basketballs. Inside each ball’s valve, SportIQ embeds a sensor that tracks a player’s shots. Data is first extracted on their form, position, angle, power, and technique. Next, the information is fed to a mobile app for AI analysis. Players then receive direct feedback and advice. According to SportIQ, over 20 million shots have already been tracked. The company estimates that regular users improve their shooti [...]
Around ten years ago, as the price of cable rose to untenable heights, live TV streaming services arrived as the low-cost, contract-free antidote. The services are still blissfully easy to walk away f [...]
My hand is cramping. It’s not carpal tunnel or some other dubious reason that’s causing the pain. It’s an analog ache that is oddly satisfying in a nostalgic way. In the last few days, I’ve he [...]